  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:p53 ELISA Kit(TumorProteinP53)

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p53 ELISA Kit(TumorProteinP53)
Detection Method Colorimetric
Characteristics Mus musculus,Mouse,Cellular tumor antigen p53,Tumor suppressor p53,Tp53,P53,Trp53
Alternative Name Tp53 (TP53 ELISA Kit Abstract)
Pathways p53 Signaling, MAPK Signaling, PI3K-Akt Signaling, Apoptosis, AMPK Signaling, Chromatin Binding, ER-Nucleus Signaling, Positive Regulation of Endopeptidase Activity, Hepatitis C, Protein targeting to Nucleus, Autophagy
Sample Volume 100 μL
Plate Pre-coated
Restrictions For Research Use only
Storage 4 °C/-20 °C
Storage Comment The Standard, Detection Reagent A, Detection Reagent B and the 96-well strip plate should be stored at -20 °C upon being received. The other reagents can be stored at 4 °C.